Check Ya Later 2024

“Pivot” Ross Gellar

Another year has been completed and I wish my readers all the best in 2025. I was going to do an Instagram post stating all the good that happened in 2024. I try to be a glass-is-half-full gal, but I know that not every moment is perfect. There have been great moments that have happened this year (shout out to my amazing clients) and there have been some unexpected plot twists (*insert dramatic music) that have been downright stressful.

I wanted to do this blog because I know I’ve seen multiple posts this year from business owners who have been transparent about their challenges. I believe that sharing is caring and I don’t want people to only see my highlight reel and think it’s all glitz and glam. I feel like if I share my challenges maybe it could help one person in business who is struggling. Maybe it will give someone the strength to ensure they advocate for their business, themselves, or even get rid of the thought of throwing in the towel (you got this bruh). Because believe me I’ve gone there multiple times over the years. I feel so guilty even writing it as if I’m a failure by even putting it to words. If I write down a list of all the good that has happened in my business, it outweighs all the bad. BUT there have been some challenges I would never wish upon another business. There is a lot of pressure on business owners and I don’t think we talk about it enough (*me now googling local business support groups). Read on to learn about where 2024 has led me to today. Everything, I do believe, happens for a reason!

Office Space

2024’s biggest change was the fact I closed my studio doors. While I will not go into details you all may know I am now operating as a home-based business in Cypress County (shout out to CC staff who approved my development permit in the nick of time). You might ask, was my office closure expected? No, but in the end after dealing with building issues that were out of my control, it left me with this fateful opportunity to choose the new destiny of Flag 5. I hunted for a new office, contemplated strategic moves, and pondered moving my office to my home. Since most of my clients had been selecting online meetings, I felt working from home was a safe move for me to make. It allows me a break from making any big commitments to a new space. I have peace in knowing if anything changes I am free to move back to the Hat to open up a space again, so that solidified my decision. My initial goal was to build an office space on our land, but at the moment I’m going to pause the thought and merely just be. More on that shortly.

I do, however, want all businesses that might be small like mine, where you are faced with the decision of opening an office space, to contemplate a few things. While I was very thorough in my thought process, had a great lawyer, read my contract and asked a million questions I still had challenges come up.

My OG Studio - Type Designs. Gone but not forgotten.

I had my first office from 2012-2019 with a fellow business. It was a perfect space for a small business. I paid $400 a month in rent and it allowed me all the freedom in the world. I liked to call it the “Bat Cave” as we had the walls painted black. While it was a dark little old building that was open concept and always buzzing, it still holds a special place in my heart.

In 2019, I got the itch to move on to a space that allowed me to grow, had bright big beautiful windows, and was a space I could call my own. The expense was higher yet I felt no risk entering this new commitment. I had some good years in this space but if it taught me two things it would be that so much can happen in a small amount of time and secondly to advocate for your business. No one will do this for you. I had to stand up for my business multiple times and the stress of it all is something I never anticipated and won’t forget anytime soon.

My first office was a mom-pop-owned building where we didn’t have a lease but I could count on them at any moment. When I decided to move and sign my very first lease, I had a great lawyer who answered my 72 questions. So I recommend someone great who will help you to understand everything and I also now recommend a building inspection, if it’s possible.

I officially finished my office renos a month before the pandemic hit. How is that for timing? I am blessed to say my business survived the pandemic and post-pandemic years. But now in hindsight, I feel, that a 5 year lease (while that number has a great ring) is just too long for me to commit to ever again.

There is no I in TEAM

I’ve been so lucky to have had a business coach, a business bestie, and a great support system around me who’ve been supportive of my business’s success and getting through the ups and downs. Maybe it’s my age but now I’m pondering what success is. For everyone that answer will be different. We all have our value systems and our own life goals. 2024, made me take a really hard look at what my definition is. To be honest, I am still not 100% sure, but I do know I’m getting closer to feeling content.

Value-Based Decision Making

I fully believe everything happens for a reason and it has led me down this new way of running my business that I would have never thought to do before. I follow a woman named, Scarlett who talks a lot about value-based decision-making. Recently, I have leaned into this concept and when I feel lost in making a new business or life decision I go back to this and the weight it lifts off me is unbelievable. Think about the decision you are facing and ask yourself if it is supporting your top values.

This was to be my view in 2025, but for now I’m pausing to further contemplate life (lol). For now I shall remain in my home, which is comfy and practical.

What Will Flag 5 Look Like Moving Forward?

Initially, when I moved out of my office space, I had made plans to build a studio space in our yard. For now, I’m working out of my little basement office and you know what? I kind of love it. Well for now anyway. What I love is that I feel no overwhelming pressure to make a decision today or anytime soon for that matter, and that brings me peace like I’ve never had.

I do know I look forward to what this year brings. Entrepreneurship has been a wild ride. Do I know what life all has in store for me? No. But I can’t wait to see where it leads. I wish you all the best too. Thanks for reading and being a part of my journey!


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